
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Public Speaking Business - Get Website Traffic By Sharing Your Articles

You can get a ton of traffic to your websites by publishing articles that the search engines can find on distribution sites, your own website or ones that are published on other big websites. But you don't have to stop there. Here are some tips on how to share your articles with other resources that you use everyday:

- From your EzineArticles account, go to "Author Bio." From there you can enter in your login info for Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook and your Wordpress blog. Now, every time you publish an article, all these sites will tell all your friends about it.

- Send tweets from your Twitter account to your followers as much as possible. Twitter followers respond best when you act as a resource for information rather than just someone who tweets out worthless links. Your articles will be the great information that your followers are looking for.

- Link to important articles from Facebook groups and pages. Find groups where your target market is gathering on Facebook and leave comments on the wall to articles that they would find valuable.

- Use sharing widgets and plug-ins such as "Share This" or "Add This" to the bottom of your website article pages so others that are reading your articles can use the widgets to share your work with their friends and followers. The widgets even make it easy for a reader to email the article to their friends.

- High content sites. A couple of popular high content sites are:

They are user friendly and give you the opportunity to fill the pages with good content articles. The keywords you use to title the modules, articles and images can be found easily by search engines.