
Monday, September 12, 2011

Public Speaking Success - Best Seating Tips

When possible set presentation to the long side of the room so the last row is as close to the presenter as possible. Avoid long narrow rooms which put audience members far from the presentation as if they were in bowling alley. People prefer to sit by aisles.

Avoid chairs next to walls. Audience members will feel trapped. Aisles should get bigger as they get nearer the exits because they must accommodate more people.

Seat for least distraction--no audience member should have to cross more than six people to get to a seat.

Make people sit as close as possible to the front. Force them to front with reserved signs on back tables or keep chairs stacked until all front rows are full. Don't tip chairs up to reserve seats or force people forward because they may trip over the
legs of the chairs.

The best presentation techniques on the web - all in one place!

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